Diagnosis and Management of Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection in Adults and Children:Guidelines by the Surgical Infection Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pdf
Prophylactic antibiotic use in penetrating abdominal trauma: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline pdf
American Academy of Pediatrics. POLICY STATEMENT. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2011–2012. pdf
Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2011. CDC. pdf
Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2011–2012. pdf
American Academy of Pediatrics. Recommendations for the Prevention of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal (GBS) disease. pdf
The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the IDSA pdf
The Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media pdf
Actualización del Consenso “Neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica” Primera parte. Aspectos diagnósticos. Alberto C., Marcela Cifuentes D. y Béatrice Hervé E. en representación del Comité de Infecciones Intrahospitalarias. Sociedad Chilena de Infectología. Rev Chil Infect 2011; 28 (2): 130-151.